Patterns and behaviors and properties arising and interlocking from simple interactions among smaller and less complex components. The whole becomes and transforms and evolves greater than the sum and often unexpectedly.
When simple rules or mechanics lead to complex gameplay and strategies and narratives not designed by creators. Particularly in games allowing freedom and interaction—strategy games and role-playing games. From a simple resolution mechanic and RPGs foster and develop complex characters and intricate narratives; through straightforward combat mechanics and entire wars play out in strategy games.
There is beauty and elegance and simplicity in seeing straightforward rules interlock and evolve and deepen into complex gameplay—an unexpected complexity adding depth and richness and intricacy to the game. These games allow for expression and innovation and creativity—where choices significantly impact and alter and define the game’s outcome. Dynamic.
Interactions among players—cooperative and competitive—lead to emergent narratives and unexpected alliances and rivalries. Unpredictability and surprise. Players never entirely sure how a game will unfold and even familiar with its components and rules—enhancing aesthetic value through suspense and the pleasure of discovery. Multiple pathways to victory and a variety of viable strategies emerge and present and challenge.
Complex patterns and behaviors and properties arise and manifest in unexpected ways and interlock and evolve into deep and rich gameplay. This complexity. Depth and richness. Fostering environments of strategic thinking and dynamic interactions and resonate.